Frequently asked questions about our services

What do I need to bring with me?
A driver’s license or another picture ID. A copy of this will go into your patient file as identification.

Who may come with me?
You may bring someone of your choice. You will decide whether you want that person to be present with you throughout the visit since some of the issues we cove are private.

How do you assure my privacy?
We are considered a medical clinic and like all health care offices, we follow the national privacy guidelines known as HIPAA. You will receive written information related to how we protect your privacy.

Does the Center provide transportation?
We are not allowed to provide transportation to or from the Center for patients. We give all patients information about transportation to physician appointments on the medicaid van.

What are the Center’s hours of operation?
The Center is open Mondays and Tuesdays from 10 AM-4 PM. Our last appointment of the day begins at 3:00 PM. Most appointments take an hour. This includes classes as well as pregnancy testing, and ultrasounds.

What if I find I can’t keep my appointment?
Call and re-schedule as soon as possible.

How much will it cost to come for services at the Center?
All services are free and confidential.