October 17, 2018

Resources and Referrals

We offer the following resources and referrals to our patients.

Resource Store

When clients complete any of our classes, they receive points that can be redeemed at our resource store which includes all things to raise a baby.

Community Referrals

The Butts County Pregnancy Center is connected with many community organizations such as the Health Department, Food Banks, Clothing ministries, Transportation services, housing, and more. We provided free referrals to these businesses and organizations.

Prenatal Vitamins

At the visit where a positive pregnancy test is evident, the patient is given free vitamins to safeguard her and her unborn child. Typically, enough pills for 2 weeks are provided. If additional ones are needed because an OB appointment takes longer than expected, they also are provided free of charge upon request. Written instructions are provided for taking the vitamins daily, and a brief discussion with a nurse adds how to maximize the effectiveness of the daily pills.