October 16, 2018

Pregnancy Tests

Am I Pregnant?

If you are sexually active, it is possible to become pregnant. Here are some common signs of pregnancy: Missed Period, Slight bleeding, swollen/tender breasts, fatigue/tiredness, nausea/morning sickness, backaches, headaches, frequent urination, darkening of nipples, food cravings or aversions.

Free Pregnancy Tests

The Butts County Pregnancy Center provides free medical grade urine pregnancy tests. Our tests are 99% accurate.

If you have a positive pregnancy test, all that is confirmed is that you have a potential pregnancy. The Butts County Pregnancy Center can provide you with a free limited ultrasound to confirm a viable pregnancy, determine the location of pregnancy, and establish gestational age.

Referrals to available medical, government, and community resources.
The Butts County Pregnancy center will also perform community referrals for you to receive the care you need free of charge.